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DC Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A

7600 Georgia Avenue, NW, Suite 205, Washington, DC  20012

MINUTES of November 7, 2012 ANC 4A MEETING

Fort Stevens Recreation Center, Van Buren and 13th Streets, NW, Washington, DC

Roll Call:  Commissioners Bennett, Toliver, Whatley, Wilson, Boyd, and Black were in attendance.

Approximately 35 people were in attendance from the community.

Having determined that there was a quorum; Commissioner Toliver called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.


a.     MINUTES.  Commissioner Whatley moved to accept the minutes as amended from the October 2, 2012 meeting.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bennett.  Hearing no objections, the motion was passed unanimously.

b.     QUARTERLY REPORT, and BUDGET will be addressed at a special meeting of ANC 4A to be scheduled before the end of the month.


a.     Mr. Booker Roary was in attendance from Councilmember Bowser’s office but offered no report.

b.     Chief Kenneth Ellerbe and several colleagues from the DC Fire and EMS Department.

                                               i.     Recently purchased a number of fire trucks and ambulances to address the challenge of meeting EMS care.  Chief Ellerbe reported that 80% of the calls received by DCFD are EMS related (160,000 calls last year and only 486 were for fires).

                                             ii.     Plans for a new Ward 4 fire station are still on the table.  A final decision will be made jointly between the Mayor’s Department of General Services, (which handles all District facility and building issues) and the DCFD.

                                            iii.     Chief Ellerbe urges residents to visit if you have a compliment for DCFD or call 202-673-3320 is the direct number to Chief Ellerbe’s office to register complaints.

                                            iv.     All DC residents can receive a free smoke or carbon monoxide detector by calling 202-673-3331.  DCFD will install them free of charge. 

c.     Anne Mead is the land use attorney from Linowes and Blocher representing the Newell Lofts Development project in Silver Spring, MD (current site of storage facility on the corner of Eastern Avenue and Newell Street).

                                               i.     20-month construction schedule for a 7-story residential building with 3100 square feet of ground floor retail space.

                                             ii.     Two levels of underground parking will be made available to serve the residents of the building and there are plans to retain as much street parking as possible on Newell for Shepherd Park residents.

                                            iii.     Maximum of 187 units and 12.5% will be moderately priced dwellings as required by Montgomery County.

                                            iv.     Planning Board Hearing scheduled for December 20 with Montgomery County Park & Planning.

                                             v.     Plan to break ground late 2013/early 2014.

                                            vi.     A petition was circulated by Shepherd Park neighbors opposing this new development in south Silver Spring.


a.     Little Green Nest (1353 Tuckerman Street, NW)

                                               i.     Commissioner Bennett moved that ANC 4A adopt the proposed agreement between ANC 4A and the Little Green Nest owners that address community concerns about the 6-child daycare center.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Black.  Unanimously approved.

                                             ii.     Commissioner Bennett moved that ANC 4A recommend approval of the application of Little Green Nest to allow for expansion to 12 children.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Whatley. 

                                            iii.     Commissioner Bennett will prepare a letter for Commissioner Toliver’s signature.

                                            iv.     Cory Mengual of Mary’s Center (202-200-4158) appeared in support of Little Green Nest.

                                             v.     Attorney Jason Zeigler of Hunton & Williams was unable to attend. Susan Goldfarb appeared in Mr. Zeigler’s absence.

                                            vi.     Gerri Adams-Simmons provided letters of objection to the Little Green Nest  BZA Application (#18445).

                                          vii.     Resident Patience Singleton of 1316 Tuckerman Street, NW expressed opposition to the expansion.

b.     Commissioner Toliver moved that ANC 4A approve a subsidy request of up to $600 from the Mayor’s Office to defray the cost of our lease payments. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Whatley.  Motion unanimously approved.

c.     Commissioner Black plans to attend the upcoming hearing on Broad Branch Road.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. 


ANC 4A01 Commissioner Karl Kennedy

North Portal Estates, Colonial Village, and portions of Shepherd Park    

ANC 4A02   Commissioner Dwayne Toliver, Chair

Shepherd Park

ANC 4A03   Commissioner Stephen A. Whatley, Treasurer

Portions of Shepherd Park and Brightwood

ANC 4A04   Commissioner Marian C. Bennett, Vice Chair 


ANC 4A05   Vacant

Fort Stevens and Brightwood

ANC 4A06   Commissioner Kim Boyd, Secretary


ANC 4A07   Commissioner Dave Wilson

16th Street Heights

ANC 4A08   Commissioner Gale Black

Crestwood and Crestwood North


Respectfully Submitted by,

Kim Boyd (ANC 4A06), Secretary

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