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Annual Meeting - Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 7pm

Wed, April 27, 2022 5:20 PM | Anonymous member

The Crestwood Citizens Association Annual Meeting will take place virtually on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 via Zoom. Please click here to access the meeting. If you do not want to use Zoom, you may dial in by telephone by calling (301) 715-8592 and entering the meeting ID 813 6028 0999.

This will be a joint meeting of the CCA and ANC SMD 4A08 (Commissioner Pavan Khoobchandani). If there are particular issues that you would like us to address, please email or respond to this email. 

We will not be voting on Board officers at the meeting. Rather, paid CCA members will receive information on how to vote by email immediately following the meeting.

The following current Board members will be running for re-election: Hala Harik Hayes for President, Doug Barker and John Favazzo for Vice President, Carey DeMatteis for Treasurer, and Pat Kennedy for Secretary. 

We have one new candidate, Dallas Salisbury, who is running as an Additional Member of the Crestwood Citizens Association Board of Directors. Dallas' candidate statement is as follows: 

I am running to be on the Crestwood Citizens Association (CCA) Board of Directors to assist with membership recruitment and focus on the inclusion of all Crestwood residents. (Bylaws provide for up to five at-large Board members in addition to the officers.) In this new, fast-moving world, some segments of society feel a greater sense of disenfranchisement than ever before. Despite the advantages of modern technology, not everyone lives a “high tech life”, particularly seniors, yet all our neighbors deserve the opportunity to join the CCA, receive their materials, and enjoy the benefits. As a senior myself, I am painfully aware of how many in my age cohort do not regularly use the internet or list serves and thus feel excluded from news and neighborhood debates around public issues, not to speak of the enjoyable community events available. I believe many could benefit from membership in the CCA if we provided them with hard copy of materials and notices, i.e., direct communication with mailings and flyers.

In 1978 when I moved into a home in the 1700 block of 17th Street - what the real estate agent called Crestwood - I applied for membership in the Crestwood Citizens Association. Interestingly, I was told that I was not eligible as I did not live in "official" Crestwood - historically defined as a small area within which its developer (Paul Stone) established lots and built houses beginning in 1938. Instead, I was told that I should join the Rock Creek East Association (now defunct), which was open to the entire area. Working together with some other young new residents who did reside in "official" Crestwood, we undertook a campaign to expand CCA's membership boundaries. We were successful in pushing the boundaries east to 17th Street and north to Upshur Street. And now, decades later, the CCA covers the entire geographic area west of 16th Street and bordered on all sides by Rock Creek Park as far north as Carter Barron. Given the neighborhood's turnover, I expect that many residents are unaware of this history.

Recent societal developments - some accelerated by Covid - have included a movement toward internet-based meetings and communication. This trend effectively excludes from participation in many organizations and our governmental processes anyone who is not an easy and frequent user of computers or other internet devices such as tablets and smart phones. Thus, many older citizens find themselves eliminated from the public discourse as more and more notifications required by Bylaws or public laws and regulations eliminate USPS delivery. And now, even push electronic emails are being replaced by "Twitter only" communications from DC Government agencies, thereby excluding those residents who use email but choose not to utilize social media. When information becomes available only via web browser and social media skills and time-consuming website searches, democracy suffers as it becomes the domain of fewer residents.

If elected to the CCA Board I would focus on building a broader membership, with special effort targeted toward inclusion of our "unconnected" or "less connected" neighbors, i.e., those who are less likely to be aware of or feel an affinity with the CCA due to lack of information about it and its activities. To accomplish this, I would help to rebuild the block captain network, and reintroduce at least some distribution of print materials (such as the newsletter, event announcements, and the membership directory) to those who request paper due to the absence of, or difficulty with, electronic access to these resources.

The importance and effectiveness of print and mailed material (as opposed to electronic) is best illustrated by its continued use by serious candidates for public office such as the DC Council, Mayor, and DC Attorney General, not to speak of federal offices inclusive of President and our DC Delegate to Congress. Political candidates hand distribute or mail material to every mailbox/house. Also, tax bills, traffic tickets, utility and credit card bills, and any other attempt to collect money from residents offer a USPS mail option. Yet some governmental entities have ceased using USPS mail to inform us of proposed governmental actions, our right as citizens to participate in the process, and deadlines for submission of comments or testimony on issues that directly affect our lives.

As time passed and the CCA evolved to rely almost solely on electronic communication, we have lost touch with some of our neighbors (and some members?) who no longer have a means to stay current with or participate in its activities. Every resident in Crestwood is important to our collective well being. We all are fortunate to live in this lovely community and can celebrate it together. And it is as important today as it once was that all generations feel included and up to date with local happenings.

It is my understanding that mailings are possible to every home in Crestwood through various lists, and that contact information, including phone numbers, are part of publicly available voter registration lists; others may well know of other sources. As a first step I would endorse the USPS mailing of an oversize post card to all homes to submit information for the Crestwood directory - in addition to a web option for those who prefer that mode - and invite residents to drop their completed post card through my home mail slot or call me to pick it up from their home. (The amount of information they choose to submit will be their choice.)

Technological progress is inexorable, but I can volunteer time to my neighborhood to help facilitate citizen participation. If elected, I will use as a dedicated email address, and dedicate a cell phone number (202-209-9797) to CCA communications. I view my initiatives as complimentary to what the CCA Board is currently doing to maintain Crestwood as a wonderful place to live. I have loved it for my 44 years as a resident.

I respectfully ask for your vote for the CCA Board of Directors. Feel free to contact me at the above email or phone number with any questions or concerns. I thank you for your consideration.

Dallas Salisbury
Argyle Terrace NW

This website and the Crestwood Citizens Association is supported by the dues of CCA members. Membership has its benefits including access to members-only resources and the knowledge that you are supporting a great neighborhood!

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