Following the March 29th Crestwood Citizens Association meeting, paid members were invited to vote on a proposal to amend "Article XI - Directories" to transition from a paper membership directory to an online membership directory. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the voting members of the Association are needed to amend the bylaws.
Thank you to the 91 members who voted. 74 votes were cast in support of amending the bylaw, and 17 votes were cast in opposition to amending the bylaw. The affirmative votes represent 81.3% of the votes and meet the two-thirds threshold. The bylaws will be amended; the new "Article XI - Directories" follows.
"Volunteer members of the Association shall prepare a directory. The directory will encompass the residential homes within the streets set forth in Article IV. Information contained in the directory will be obtained from residents directly. The Association is not responsible for errors or omissions. The directory is for personal, non-business related use only.
The directory will be made available to those residents who have paid their dues."