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Recap of May 17, 2022 Annual Meeting

Fri, June 10, 2022 1:59 PM | Anonymous member


Tuesday, May 17, 2022; 7:00 PM by Zoom 

  1. Welcome and Introductions (Board Members)
  •  Thank yous!
  • o   Aging in Place (Jackie Jackson, Yvonne Baskerville)
  • o   Green Team (Danielle Reyes & Doug Barker)
  • o   Kids team (Caitlin Clark)
  • o   Issues Team (Peter Richman) (???)
  • o   Dog station volunteers 
  • §  George  Chaconas (takes care of benches as well)
2. 2022-2023 CCA Board Candidates (position and years/terms in office)

·         President - Hala Harik Hayes

·         First Vice President - Doug Barker

·         Second Vice President - John Favazzo

·         Secretary - Pat Kennedy

·         Communications Director(s) - Victoria and Michael Earls 

·         Treasurer - Carey DeMatteis

·         Additional Member - Dallas Salisbury (Working on mailing to folks in CW to determine who need aging in place and are not electronically plugged-in)

o   Members in good standing will receive an email this evening with a link to vote. Vote will remain open for 48 hours. 

3. CCA Updates

o    Treasurer’s Report

§  Surplus, b/c no holiday party – will use for Spring events.

o    CCA Membership Directory update - online directory. Will distribute postcard to all Crestwood homes with info about opting in to new directory.

o    Upcoming Events

§  May 20: Crestwood Traffic Safety Walkthrough (begins at 16th & Blagden) – W/councilmember Lewis George – child hit by car on Blagden (work with DDOT to see what we can do) – Friday at 3:30 (also arranged DDOT director and his staff) – meet at 16th and Blagden. Request for traffic events ahead of time.

§  May 22: Spring Picnic (Triangle Park) - potluck. Dessert provided by John Mahshie & Jay Fazio. Also a bounce house! – Bring things to grill

§  Rock Creek Conservancy Summer in the Parks Events at Carter Barron 

·         5 - 7 pm on Weds June 1, 8, 15, and 22

·         Carter Barron Box Office Circle

·         Next e-cycle event at The Triangle, Saturday, June 11th from 9-10 am (fills up very early)

·         July 4: 4th of July Parade

o    May-August: 3rd Saturday/Sunday of the month events 

o    Summer Programming - looking for sponsors for Summer events & mobile paper shredding event in Fall (note re. noise of paper shredder trucks)

·         Ice cream social?!?!

·         Jazz in park - highlight local bands?

·         Late-August – outdoor movie night, possibly on Colorado

·         Other updates: 

o    successful first ever seed exchange and second ever plant exchange;

o    guided tour of RCP; 

o    looking for weed warriors (3 people – registered with NPS and able to remove invasives)

4. CCA Communications

·         80% approval of moving to online directory.  

·         Don’t want to be printing things twice if possible

·         Advance notice of ANC and reporting out

·         Posting notices on Website, emails, and newsletter

·         Physical community board.

·         Michael provided an overview of CCA communications vision:

o    Acknowledgement re. inclusive communications for both those online and less/not online per Dallas stated concerns

o    Three goals for CCA communications: (1) CCA events/updates; (2) Relevant DC neighborhood news beyond the CCA; (3) Encourage & facilitate neighbor engagement 

o    Goal for content = Match electronic outreach, social media and other forms of communication to be reinforcing

o    Newsletter - consistent schedule, recapping events, sections devoted to the various teams, featured neighbors, other ways t

o    Website & social media - reinforce info in newsletter, engage people online on a team - source of ongoing conversation, sharing DC info more broadly

·         George

o    Fan of Crestwood book – get another printing of book (100 years 100 acres).  Bill Bently is local neighborhood publisher (though note that we do have extra copies of book and available for purchase for $25 on CCA website)

o    Also suggestion to keep an angie’s list of helpers (sitters, carpenters)  

o    Be sure to thank 12 names of helpers who monitor dog stations. 

o    Idea to ask people to contribute information to newsletters.  

·         Dallas – WaPo distributor used to distribute the CW newsletter. Recommends again exploring to help w/hard copy distribution.  

·         Gale Black:

o    suggests posting hard copy signs up ahead of any meeting (6 different places – in 3 days ahead).  Block contacts would distribute in past and could again.  

o    Kiosk was an idea for physical locations for relevant info (locations at Colorado, Triangle, Point)

5. ANC 4A08 Update (Pavan)

·         Traffic Safety - 311 request# required for DDOT to do anything including speed humps

·         Traffic Safety Walk Through at 3:30 pm on Friday May 20, starting 16th/Blagden … Walk through this Friday afternoon with Councilwoman George

·         -need 311 request to have info on specific incidents re traffic safety

·         Dallas – Only way to get detail is FOIA request.

·         Q from Patricia re speed camera at Blagden/Allison and whether 311 requests filed … Pavan unsure.

6. Other announcements

·         Carter Barron Reconstruction Update (Pavan)

o    NPS working on rehabilitation on stage and amphitheater in general and has started design phase, ultimate construction and related funding (federal) = still TBD re. next steps …

o     Carter Barron cleanup happening this Saturday … chance to see inside as well (socially distant) from 9 am - 12 PM, register in advance via 

o    Reminder: Ban on gas powered leaf blowers

7. Neighbor concerns and questions

·         Standing water reminders from Doug re. mosquitos

·         Aging in Place update - discussion/updates; email on website =

·         Beach Drive - no specific update re. re-opening (likely another 6 months)

·         Traffic on Blagden concerns to NPS

This website and the Crestwood Citizens Association is supported by the dues of CCA members. Membership has its benefits including access to members-only resources and the knowledge that you are supporting a great neighborhood!

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