Earlier this year, in February, DPR held a community meeting to gauge interest in a proposal to improve the Triangle with a tot lot or playground equipment. You can read a recap of that meeting here. DPR promised to send out a survey to gauge the interest of everyone, including those not in attendance at the meeting, and that survey has just been released. From DPR:
We are happy to announce that the Crestwood Park Survey is now open for participation and will remain open for voting until Friday, December 18, 2020. Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your feedback as the DC Department of Parks and Recreation gathers information on Crestwood Parks' interests, especially in regards to the potential park improvements. By clicking on the link below and sharing your thoughts, we can better understand your requests.
Please click anywhere on this line for the Crestwood Park Survey. (https://forms.gle/bKNtErh9omiabmpa7)
Please share this link with your neighbors for their feedback on the Crestwood Park Improvements. The survey will remain open until 11:59 PM on December 18, 2020. We will share the results of the survey at our next community meeting (TBD) in early 2021. Please note that we will also deliver paper copies of the survey to Commissioner Gale Black and incumbent Commissioner Khoobchandani next week in order to maximize community participation. If you are filling out a paper copy, please deliver it to either of the commissioners by December 18th and I will pick up these surveys and add them to the online survey for an accurate tabulation of the survey results for your community.
For additional information on the capital improvement planned, please visit the project website: https://dgs.dc.gov/page/crestwood-park.
The major concern we heard from the neighborhood at the first community meeting in February was over how much activation and improvements should be made to this park. Please see the presentation on the project website or HERE to review.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Peter Nohrden, ASLA
Capital Projects, Planning and Design