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  • Mon, April 04, 2022 5:26 PM | Anonymous member

    Outcome of March 29 Vote to Amend the Bylaws

    Following the March 29th Crestwood Citizens Association meeting, paid members were invited to vote on a proposal to amend "Article XI - Directories" to transition from a paper membership directory to an online membership directory. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the voting members of the Association are needed to amend the bylaws.

    Thank you to the 91 members who voted. 74 votes were cast in support of amending the bylaw, and 17 votes were cast in opposition to amending the bylaw. The affirmative votes represent 81.3% of the votes and meet the two-thirds threshold. The bylaws will be amended; the new "Article XI - Directories" follows.

    "Volunteer members of the Association shall prepare a directory. The directory will encompass the residential homes within the streets set forth in Article IV. Information contained in the directory will be obtained from residents directly. The Association is not responsible for errors or omissions. The directory is for personal, non-business related use only.

    The directory will be made available to those residents who have paid their dues."

    Thank you to the many members who provided feedback on the voting process and advice on how to best manage the transition to an online directory; we will use your input to guide the next steps of the transition.

    Please be on the lookout for a postcard that will be hand delivered to your mailbox in the near future with information on how to log in to the CCA website (, join or renew your membership, opt-in to the directory and select what information you want to make public, and view the directory.

    The CCA will print copies of the directory for paid members who request it. Please feel free to reach out to Hala Harik Hayes with any questions or concerns.

  • Sun, April 03, 2022 5:19 PM | Anonymous member



    Tuesday, March 29, 2022

    7:00 PM by Zoom


    Welcome and Introductions

    Pavan Overview of meeting format and rules

    CCA Board

    Traffic & Safety discussion

    Crossing 16th Street is a nightmare at Blagden.

    NPS will propose changes IF Beach Drive remains closed

    Ask DDOT to come during rush hour to do walk through

    In last 5 years, there has been a change in Crestwood. No longer safe to walk around neighborhood. Preserve feeling of safety and access to walkable services.

    Upper Blagden has been flagged for prioritization

    John Fegan - we should work with the city to identify the problems and they should come up with the solutions.

    CCA Updates

    Welcome Michael & Victoria Earls - Communications

    Letter of feedback to Ward 4 ANC SMD Redistricting Task Force

    Treasurer’s Report

    We have a surplus of $1300 primarily due to cancellation of Holiday party

    CCA Membership Directory update

    Discussion of Proposed Bylaw change

    Be on the lookout for a postcard with instructions to access the website, join/renew membership, opt-in to the directory, view directory

    Upcoming Events

    April 3 3:30 PM Easter Egg Hunt, The Point

    April 9 9-11am Spring Cleaning Truck, Triangle park

    May 1 Plant Swap, alley behind 1600 block Varnum/Webster

    May 17 7:00 PM CCA Annual Meeting/ANC SMD, TBD

    Summer Programming

    3rd Saturday/Sunday of the month events from May-August

    Other updates

    Other announcements

    Neighbor concerns and questions

    Status of development at Zion Church. Pavan reported that he has not received any notices about zoning changes.

  • Tue, March 29, 2022 12:35 PM | Anonymous member



    Tuesday, November 16, 2021

    7:00 PM by Zoom

    Invited Guests:

    • Will Handsfield, Bicycle Program Specialist, Planning & Sustainability Division, District Department of Transportation

    1. Welcome and Introductions

    2. Presentation by DDOT on Upshur Bike Lane (Will Handsfield)

    • Reviewed goals to reduce car trips, and increase biking trips
    • Upshur is a collector road
    • Protected bike lane would require removing something
    • Designing for the new user, not cyclist
    • Want to make it primarily a biking corridor
    • Doesn’t have to be Upshur - could be a different street.
    • Why Upshur?
    • There is access to things. Want to create network.
    • Bikes offer more options than cars.
    • Feedback: it is a main road - people drive and if you close down even 1 block, it will make traffic worse.
    • Not supportive of this program. Crestwood is a quiet peaceful area, will create infusion form others areas. Unfair to this quiet neighborhood. Don’t want to see 25 people riding on my block.
    • Can ask people in neighborhood how they feel? Especially the seniors in the neighborhood.
    • Another Upshur resident agrees with above speaker.
    • Connectivity throughout Crestwood to other parts of the city needs to be better. 
    • Will says it’s not a squeeze to add a bike lane- but neighbors say it will just add to the number of cars on other streets.
    • More speed humps on Upshur
    • More Sidewalks
    • Paint on crosswalks
    • Lots of ideas / feedback submitted in zoom chat
    3. Discussion - Traffic Safety Improvements
    Neighbor Suggestions
    • 17th stop signs
    • Painted crosswalk with signage at Valley trail.
    • Initiative to change driving behaviors.
    • Ideas submitted in zoom chat
    4. CCA Report (Hala)
    • Successful past events
    • Communications Director position
    • Treasurer’s Report
    • Upcoming Events            
    • Turkey Trot
    • E-cycling Update
    5. Announcements (Pavan)
    • Roosevelt Pool
    Pool now open to public M-F from 6-8am and 5-9pm. Entrance is on Upshur Street near 13th at Roosevelt High School.
    • Zion Baptist Church Construction
    No official notification, but have heard that Zion Baptist Church wants to develop 4817 Blagden Avenue, NW into a 50 unit senior citizen housing development. This would require a zoning variance that has not been granted yet. The process is that the ANC gets a chance to review the zoning variance request and can take a position in favor or in opposition to the request.


  • Mon, January 11, 2021 10:43 AM | Anonymous member

    (WASHINGTON, DC) – Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that beginning today, Monday, January 11, DC residents aged 65 and older are able to make an appointment to get the COVID-19 vaccine through the portal or by calling the District’s coronavirus call center (1-855-363-0333). Residents will be able to schedule a vaccination through the call center Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Additionally, residents can get connected to the call center by dialing 311.

    “I know many of our seniors are eager to get this vaccine. It has been a long ten months – for many seniors it has been very isolating and frightening, and people want to work together to get our community past this,” said Mayor Bowser. “On Monday, I encourage DC seniors to book their appointments. If you are the caregiver for or have a family member or neighbor who is 65 or older, reach out to them and let them know a safe and effective vaccine is available and make sure they know how to get an appointment.”

    Seniors who schedule an appointment through the portal or hotline will receive a confirmation code that should be brought to their appointment along with verification of eligibility (e.g. a photo ID). The call center will have translation services available for residents who do not speak English.

    When going to get the vaccine, it is recommended that individuals wear a loose-fitting shirt that allows medical staff to get to their upper arm. At the first appointment, individuals will receive a vaccination card or printout that says which COVID-19 vaccine they received, the date they received it, where they received it, and when they should return for their second shot. After receiving the vaccine, individuals should be prepared to stay for 15 to 30 minutes after for observation.

    The COVID-19 vaccine is free. When receiving the vaccine, residents will be asked to provide their health insurance information, but no one will be charged a co-pay. Those who do not have health insurance will still receive the vaccine at no cost.

    Any individual who already used to register for a vaccination appointment but does not work in a health care setting will need to re-register once the vaccine becomes available to them. Those who submit their email address or mobile phone number through will receive an email or text message when the registry opens to additional populations.      


  • Wed, December 30, 2020 2:13 PM | Anonymous member
    Sayra Molina from DDOT spoke about traffic calming and other issues. She noted that most times a Traffic Safety Assessment must be done before DDOT can consider traffic calming measures such as stop signs or cameras - residents can make this request through 311 or getting in touch with their ANC Commissioner. More information is available on DDOT's website. However, an Assessment is not needed for speed humps - that request can go through the ANC Commissioner and the ANC. Once the ANC issues a resolution, DDOT will review and see if the street meets the criteria for a speed hump. 

    Sayra also spoke about the 16th Street Bus Lanes, was asked about the status of Broad Branch Road, and the status of streets/sidewalks that need to be repaved or repaired. We're going to send Sayra a list of open issues so that she can help us track them. 
    Stephen Marencic Office of the People’s Counsel spoke about the work that his office does - they are our utility lawyers. He also spoke about ongoing utility rate cases. A note from Stephen: 

    My name is Stephen Marencic, Consumer Outreach Specialist for the Office of the People's Counsel.  I just want to continue to let everyone know that if anyone has any utility related issues to please reach out to OPC at or by phone at 202-727-3071. My direct email is
    We talked about how we commissioned a "Black Lives Matter In Crestwood" garden flag with stand. You can purchase online for $10.  

    Designed by local artist John Ortiz (@jgrafx.studios) and hand-printed by local artists at Pyramid Atlantic (, we're hoping we can blanket Crestwood with these custom signs (literally and figuratively) of solidarity with the BLM movement. 

    Order here

    Thank you to CCA Vice President John Favazzo and neighbor Kate Taylor Davis for working on and delivering this unique offering!
    Outgoing ANC Commissioner Gale Black thanked Councilmember Brandon Todd for his years of service to Crestwood and Ward 4. We wish him well in his future endeavors!

    We presented Commissioner Black with a plaque honoring her years of dedicated service to Crestwood. Commissioner Black, once again we thank you for everything you have done to protect Crestwood and make it better. 
    Other issues: 
    • We answered some questions that were raised about the survey that DPR is conducting about the Triangle. The survey has been extended to January 4, 2021. You can fill out the survey here. We're also going to be dropping off some paper surveys to houses that live around the Triangle. 
    • We passed a resolution asking DDOT to study bike lanes in Crestwood. 
    • DDOT confirmed that the construction being done on Blagden right now is the new sidewalk that's being installed. 
    • Doug Barker provided a Green Team update, noting that neighbor Danielle Reyes is now a co-chair of the Green Team. Thanks Danielle! 
    • Carey DeMatteis provided a Treasurer update - our membership is strong! You can join the CCA here
    • A video CASA Crestwood is coming Spring 2021, we want to thank our sponsor John Mahshie and Jay Fazio of Mahshie Fazio Partnership, TTR Sotheby's International Realty

  • Sun, November 29, 2020 7:59 AM | Anonymous member

    Masks Don't Stop Crestwood -
    Turkey Trot Was Incredible!

    Dear Crestwood,

    One constant during the uncertainty of 2020 has been the Crestwood community as a source of support, positivity, and good cheer! We are grateful for the 194 neighbors who incorporated the Crestwood Turkey Trot into their Thanksgiving plans!

    Thank you for your support - together we raised more than $3000 to benefit Rock Creek Conservancy, a nonprofit that works to restore Rock Creek and its parklands, and that is working hard on the Carter Barron Amphitheatre rehabilitation project

    Plus, Crestwood's feet and generosity generated $1000 in matching funds from the Crestwood Citizens Association that will go to Bread For The City to help the most vulnerable District residents affected by COVID-19.

    We look forward to seeing you next year for a more traditional Turkey Trot. In the meantime, mask up and stay safe!

    - Hala Harik Hayes

    Ed. Note: A special thank you goes out to Hala and her family on this fifth year of the Crestwood Turkey Trot for everything they've done and do to make the event a success each year!

    Also, the winners of a free copy of Crestwood, 300 Acres, 300 Years, by David Swerdloff, are Kevin Ward, Carolyn Berry, and Eric Call! Thanks for sending in your race times! 

  • Sun, November 29, 2020 7:55 AM | Anonymous member

    Earlier this year, in February, DPR held a community meeting to gauge interest in a proposal to improve the Triangle  with a tot lot or playground equipment. You can read a recap of that meeting here. DPR promised to send out a survey to gauge the interest of everyone, including those not in attendance at the meeting, and that survey has just been released. From DPR: 

    We are happy to announce that the Crestwood Park Survey is now open for participation and will remain open for voting until Friday, December 18, 2020.   Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your feedback as the DC Department of Parks and Recreation gathers information on Crestwood Parks' interests, especially in regards to the potential park improvements.  By clicking on the link below and sharing your thoughts, we can better understand your requests.  

    Please click anywhere on this line for the Crestwood Park Survey.  (
    Please share this link with your neighbors for their feedback on the Crestwood Park Improvements.  The survey will remain open until 11:59 PM on December 18, 2020.   We will share the results of the survey at our next community meeting (TBD) in early 2021.  Please note that we will also deliver paper copies of the survey to Commissioner Gale Black and incumbent Commissioner Khoobchandani next week in order to maximize community participation. If you are filling out a paper copy, please deliver it to either of the commissioners by December 18th and I will pick up these surveys and add them to the online survey for an accurate tabulation of the survey results for your community.
    For additional information on the capital improvement planned, please visit the project website:
    The major concern we heard from the neighborhood at the first community meeting in February was over how much activation and improvements should be made to this park. Please see the presentation on the project website or 
    HERE to review.

    Happy Thanksgiving,
    Peter Nohrden, ASLA
    Capital Projects, Planning and Design

  • Thu, November 12, 2020 9:10 PM | Anonymous member

    Get your Crestwood face mask, only $5! Free hand-delivery in Crestwood. 

    Purchase here!

  • Mon, November 02, 2020 3:02 PM | Anonymous member
    Please find the Summer 2020 edition of The Crest, the Crestwood newsletter, here

This website and the Crestwood Citizens Association is supported by the dues of CCA members. Membership has its benefits including access to members-only resources and the knowledge that you are supporting a great neighborhood!

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